Voter Information

Voter Registration is open to all Utah County residents that are:

  • At least 18 years old (a 17 year old may vote if they turn 18 on or before general election day that year)
  • Citizens of the United States
  • Residents of Utah for at least 30 days prior to election day


  • Requires a valid Utah Driver License*
  • Update voter registration or party affiliation.
  • Mark a ballot preference for partisan primary elections.


*If your current address does not match the address on your Driver License, update your UT Driver License address online first at There's no need to stand in line and it's free. The address printed on your UT Driver License/ID card does not need to match your voter registration address. It may take 24-48 hours before the new address is active

You may mail, email, or submit in person the voter registration form, before the registration deadline, to the address shown below.

Utah County Elections Division
100 East Center Street, Suite 3100
Provo, Utah 84606

Any Utah County registered voter who moves within the county can call our office at (801) 851-8128 to have their address updated.

Voters can register on election day at a vote center between the hours of 7 AM and 8 PM. Please bring proof of identity and residency with you to the vote center, so you can register and vote provisionally. 


A list of valid identification options can be found at


*All voter registration and address updates must be made no later than 5 PM 11 days before the election. Otherwise it needs to be done at a vote center on election day. 

Go to one of vote centers in Utah County between 7 AM and 8 PM on election day.


Early Voting

Early Voting will also be held at the Utah County Elections office on June 18th-21st and June 24th during regular office hours of 8am-5pm.


Fast Cast Voting

Utah County has implemented a quicker, faster way to vote in-person called Fast Cast Voting.

To use Fast Cast Voting:

  • At your convenience, fill out your mail-in ballot while at home
  • Go to a Vote Center on Election Day
  • Look for the Fast Cast Voting line when you arrive
  • Bring valid ID
  • Show ID, sign the Poll Pad, and cast your ballot - it’s that quick and easy!


On-Demand Ballot Printing

The classic form of in-person voting. When you arrive and check-in with your ID a poll worker will print a ballot for you. You will then fill it out and put it into one of our tabulators. 


Same Day Registration

If you are not currently registered to vote or if you are moving from another county, you can register and vote provisionally at a vote center. We will have you fill out a provisional ballot envelope and you will be required to show proof of identity and proof of residency to vote this way. 

All active, registered voters, in Utah County, unless otherwise requested, are mailed a ballot three weeks before election day. There are two different options for how to return your by-mail ballot. 


Vote By Drop Box

Once you fill out and sign your ballot envelope, take it to one of the 28 drop boxes located throughout Utah County for your convenience. There is at least one located in each city or town, and they are open 24/7 through close of polls on election day. Most are drive-up and do not require getting out of your car. A complete list of locations can be found by going to the voting locations tab on our website. 


Vote By Mail

Ballots can be returned through US Postal Mail. If you choose this option, we ask that voters place a stamp on the envelope before mailing it. Your ballot also needs to be postmarked by the day before election day. 

The Uniformed Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. Those eligible to vote absentee under UOCAVA in Utah County elections are:

  • Members of the United States Uniformed Services and Merchant Marine;
  • Their family members; and
  • United States citizens residing outside the United States, who maintain legal residency in Utah County.

To request a mail or email ballot through the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), fill out a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and mail, email, or bring it into our office.


Utah County Elections Division
100 East Center Street, Suite 3100
Provo, Utah 84606



Election DateRegistration DeadlineDeadline to Request Ballot
June 25th Primary ElectionBy June 14th at 5 PMBy June 24th at 5 PM
November 5th General ElectionBy Oct 25th at 5 PMBy Nov 4th at 5 PM
The deadline to request a UOCAVA ballot is the day before the election at 5 PM.

Utah County Elections Division

(801) 851-8128


Cambria Cantrell - Elections Supervisor

(801) 851-8138 

All active, registered voters in Utah County are mailed a ballot three weeks before election day. Voters can then fill out their ballot at home, and return it to our office through U.S. Postal Mail or by putting it in one of the Drop Boxes located throughout the county. If a voter has difficulty signing their ballot they can reach out to our office for accommodations

If a voter prefers, they can go to one of our vote centers to vote in person on election day. All vote centers are ADA compliant. Additionally, touch screen voting machines with assistive technology are available for voters to use at all vote centers.

Disabled voters may also request that a ballot be sent to them electronically. Utah uses a system called Enhanced Voting which emails ballots to eligible voters, and the voter can securely vote and return their ballot. Reach out to our office to enroll in this program.


If you have any additional questions, contact our office at (801) 851-8128 or 

  • Voter registration records are considered public information. A list of voters is available to the public upon request. Certain information including social security numbers, driver’s license or state ID numbers, email addresses, full dates of birth, phone numbers, and voter signatures are considered protected information and shall not be disclosed. 
  • Information available in the data file generated includes: address, precinct, party affiliation and districts. Vote History (2015 - present) is provided if requested on the form. 
  • When your data request is received, an invoice will be sent to you with the price. The PSR reports are generated by the State Election Office, which also sets the fees (See fee schedule below). The PSR data will come in three different files: A voter list, a vote history list, and a precinct – district list. It can take up to two business days from the date that your request is received with our staff to be processed.
  • When you have paid your fee, your data will be emailed to you in a CSV document. If any of what is described above does not meet your needs, it is your responsibility to let us know before we generate your file. Refunds will not be issued after your data file has been sent.

GRAMA 63-2-203(1)(iii) GRAMA 63G-2-301(2)(l)

  • An individual may request a list of voters that have already voted in a given election. The list will be county wide and submitted electronically each night. The list will contain the voter ID, name, county, precinct, address, city, zip, ballot type, and date voted for all voters. Voters that have listed their registration record be protected or private will not be included in the list.
  • There is a one-time fee of $35.00 per election for this list. You can submit payment over the phone with a VISA or Mastercard, or you may pay the fee in person with cash, check, VISA or Mastercard.
  • When you have paid the fee, the data will be emailed to you first thing in the morning once we start ballot processing.
  • Please contact our office if you have any questions or need further assistance. Phone: (801) 851-8128 . Email: Address: 100 E Center St, Rm 3100, Provo, UT 84606.